


I take this section very seriously. I have my opinion and so I’ll voice it here. People are people and are going to do what they wish. It would be nice to snap your fingers and right all the wrong in every subject but that isn’t a reality. Our actions are the indicators that allow others to know what level of respect we deserve.


 – Harassment: Everyone has their ethics in their own lane. I believe that if you do not appreciate something another is doing, then you should not do business with them. Do not sell to them. Do not buy from them. I further more believe it is your duty as an ETHICAL BREEDER and member of this community to warn others to steer clear of possibly contaminating their projects with animals from these unethical breeders. After all, if they can breed animals that they know will have neurological damage, tumors or cancers, then they may be capable of other unethical practices.

That being said… This is where it should stop. I do not condone bullying or harassment to these people any more than. I would tolerate someone choosing to harrass me for a difference of opinion. This sort of behavior is extremely off-putting on ones behalf. It is not your place to fight online with them and put them in their place every chance you get. Fighting happens in person or not at all. I questions your ethics if you are an online bully. I do understand that many are passionate about good ethics however, how you conduct yourself matters. You have an entire community to stand behind and who agree with you. 

– Know-it-All Breeders: Miss me with that whole thing. I don’t care who you are and what you know. BE KIND. Most of us are easy enough to get along with but respect and dignity are the name of the game. You may know something that I don’t know and visa versa. The delivery of this message is extremely important. This is a hobby, yet taken very serious by most. It doesn’t matter if you have been breeding for decades, years or months. You should have your ego in check when dealing with others in the community. You are not in charge because 10 years of breeding says so. Most of us are always trying our best. You are respected and sought after because you know what you know. Grant the beingness of others and you will always have them at your store.


“Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.” – Mark Twain
My opinions loud and clear

Unethical Genetic Practices

– Breeding the Lemon Frost Gene: Using Mendelian Inheritance proving practices in an attempt to remove tumors and cancers from these animals simply WILL NOT EVER work. This has been tried time and time again. There have been teams of actual scientists use actual genetic study, blood culture testing and posthumous dissection and inspection to prove that you CANNOT “breed out the ailments” that come with this morph. My advice; do not breed these. It is in every way imaginable, WRONG. Your ethics are in question with everyone when you knowingly do this. I feel like I shouldn’t have to say it more than once but just for those who have trouble reading this. Say it with me. “It is wrong to intentionally hurt animals”. Trust is earned.

– Breeding the Enigma Gene: If your gecko cannot function normally, don’t breed it. I have felt completely helpless at times trying to force feed this morph. I do rescue at times and when I end up with these it is the saddest thing I go through. The neurological levels of incompetence vary per animal but can be absolutely awful. It simply isn’t worth breeding this into a defenseless animal.

– Intentionally Not Disclosing Hets: This will come back to bite you. All breeders are at different levels of education. The fact of the matter is that we all reach similar places in education and quickly I might add. I’ve been privileged to speak with many of you often and it’s impressive how much more you all know year by year. Your customers will catch up to this practice and stop being your customers. It simply isn’t worth it.


“Even the most rational approach to ethics is defenseless if there isn’t the will to do what is right,” – Alexander solzhenitsyn

Some Genetic Tips


1. Check for hets when you have a new animal that enters your project.

2. Disclose all breeding practices when selling an animal.


1. If an animal proves to carry an albino gene, DO NOT ASSUME you know which one and keep your project going with this animal. Reach out to who it came from and do your very best to learn of it’s lineage. If you cannot pin point which specific gene it is, DO NOT carry on breeding this animal.

2. Don’t combine albino genes.

3. Don’t combine snow genes.

4. Don’t knowingly combine the marble eye gene to the eclipse gene.


Wildcard Geckos

Content coming soon.